Friday, October 24, 2008

Boy Meets Dog Bowl!

Blaine LOVES to play in the dog's food and water bowls. In fact, I have moved the dog's food and water bowls to a very inconspicuous place. My hope was that he wouldn't see them all the time, and thus wouldn't think about getting into them. WRONG!! Even though they are hidden out of plain sight, the little stinker still remembers where they are and goes for them every chance he gets! Yesterday morning I was cleaning the house, and Blaine was being most cooperative. I managed to sweep, vacuum, mop, and dust all before his morning nap. He jumped in his doorway jumper for the sweeping and vacuuming and played in the floor while I mopped and dusted. He even stayed out of my way and didn't get into anything! I was very impressed, as he usually wants to be right under my feet while I do these things. I had just finished with everything, and was putting something away when I realized he had disappeared. I figured he had probably gone to the dog food bowl, but I knew there wasn't any dog food in it. So, I wasn't too concerned. I finished what I was doing and walked into the den to find this...........

Apparently this high quality dog food bowl, purchased from the 'dollar spot' at Target, has a nice little black rim around it that when chewed on leaves nice black greasiness all over little boys!! SO........I just thought I was finished cleaning for the day!!

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